Equipping the Saints for Outreach Coalition

Equipping the Saints for Outreach Coalition (ESOC) was formed to approach evangelism and outreach with a methodology that is effective in the immoral age that the Christian must deal with today. Every Christian (and the Christian Church as a whole) is commissioned to reach the lost world, and to bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. ESOC can equip the Christian Body with the confidence and technique in these sophisticated times. ESOC is equipped and prepared to assist pastors in their structures to prepare their members for effective outreach.

ESOC is not only a coalition equipped to prepare saints with confidence in evangelism, but it is also aggressively standing and fighting against social practices that are disruptive and destructive to the Christian family – such as immorality, being unethical, the destruction of the family, and poor comprehensive education.
ESOC is a series of collaborations among churches, business, and schools that are determined to expose the truth regarding the Word of God to the Church and society that can engage and do battle with these ungodly practices that are set to tear apart and crumble the fiber of our Spiritual Heritage – the church and the family.  To this end, we have started a coalition of churches called PAK (Pastors Advancing the Kingdom).  PAK was formed in the March of 2012 among local church leadership in Houston in order to fortify laypersons and restore the influence of the church to its original intent to restore lives by providing insight, jobs, and venues by which laypersons can fellowship and grow in Christ.  In addition to PAK, some of our collaborations include: