Equippers’ Bible Fellowship
Equippers’ Bible Fellowship (EBF) is the worship arm of Jesus is Alpha and Omega Ministries (JAOM). Its mission is to instill the Kingdom of God into the layperson so that he may understand God and what God wants for himself, and be able to represent God in being powerful and productive as a believer in his own personal sector of the world, or the marketplace. We seek to instill Biblical values and fortify believers in them, and to replace stereotypes with definitions.
In the midst of Equippers’ Bible Fellowship, we seek to be the church that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against (Matthew 16:18), by building up the layperson into a strong believer through instilling God’s Standards through a counseling network, Bible studies, 1-on-1 mentorship, sub-ministries garnered toward specific needs in the church, and other programs. Some of the work we do includes:
- The Family Ministry Concept
- The Second Adam Men’s Club
- Esteeming Other Women
- Equipping Youth For Life
- Saving Our Sons
- Kingdom Kids
In short, Equippers’ Bible Fellowship is determined to have every member of the family saved (having accepted Christ and been sealed in the Holy Spirit), sanctified (empowered to work in their gifts), and serving (spreading the Gospel in a practical manner to all those around them).